Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My girlfriend and her family...

Cousins, Siblings and then well....

I did some photos for my friend on sunday, she wanted to have some pictures taken of her kids and then some taken of her neice and nephew, as a surprise for the kids mom for christmas.... so we did the first set of siblings and well, you can see the rest for yourself.... thanks guys!! It was fun!!
then we did cousins...
then more siblings...
And then... PIGPILE!!!


I bought rylie a holiday dress the other day, well she of course had to do some modeling for me.... she had to have her hair curled as well before we could take any photos! oh she's her mothers daughter!!

Brrrr..... very cold!!

Do these guys look cold?? well they were!!! We went down to the beach on sunday at 8:30 in the morning! Let me tell you... it was very chilly... 22 degrees chilly!
the kids were troopers though, i'd take a few photos, they'd shiver a little, i'd take a few more, the good news was, that i didn't make them stay out there too long.