Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oh so Precious,.... TWINS!!

Just did a recent session of a set of twins, one of each and oh so different!!
Madison... a little bigger and quite fiesty and Parker... just as content with the whole thing, they were just the sweetest little things!! oh btw...

i had such a hard time choosing which ones to post, they are so cute!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Addyson turns 2!

I did some photos of Addyson when she was a baby, look at how beautiful her hair is, isn't she adorable?? and her sister Sydney, we snuck a few photos of her in there too!

Christmas Special...

Tis the Season... i did a Christmas Special in the new studio, and i had such a great response that i decided to add another date... it was great fun, my favorite part was getting to see how everybody dressed for the special! how silly is that right? well, it's true, i love the colors of Christmas, and just about everyone came dressed in holiday colors... red, black, grey even purple... sooo darn cute! and even a golden retriever with a red hankerchief!!

New Studio!

Wow, first of all let me start by noting that it has been a while since i have blogged!! where does the time go, well i can say that i have had the opportunity to move to a new studio, and i will be sharing the space with a fellow friend photographer, how exciting!! My friend Kelly has been in this existing space and has been sharing it with another photographer, she has decided to seek studio space elsewhere, so... Kelly asked me if i wanted to join her... woohoo!! i'm very excited to join her. I have posted some images of the new space, it is very warm and cozy, we have done a lot to spruce up the space, with some new paing color and some new furniture, it's really a lovely studio. Oh it's located in Arundel, Port North Professional Unit #10, and we even have our own sign on the building!